Most formats are within a self contained portable ‘Multi-Format’ folder which all share the same samples. The exceptions to this are Ableton Live, MPC & Octatrack.
The Kits are created with Kit Creator which can be also be purchased to generate many more Kits using these samples. There is a demo designed to provide an example of Kit Creator output, but they use some of the samples from Vibrations. You can get that here.
There are Instruments/Presets for the following :
Includes DrumScape and Drum Module scripts for utilising the Samples. Needs the full version of Kontakt.
1000+ Drum Programs packed up in a XPN Pack ready to install. Compatible with MPC Software 2.0/Beats & modern Hardware such as the ONE, Live, X and Keys.
1000+ Kits for the free Sample Instrument Sitala which can be loaded from any folder.
The base files are 16-bit 96khz and can be used in any application that can use WAV files.
There are also 44.1k and 48k versions too for Elektron and other compatibility.
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