Succession DND Updated to Beta 2

April 3, 2021, 6:59 pm

Updated with the following:

  • Adds a Wavetable Version for Drag n Dropping wavetables. It operates the same except it has a control for Wavetable Position, and an LFO2 to Wavetable Position amount which replaces Sample Rate Reduction.
  • The original legacy Delay, Chorus, Flanger and Phaser have been added, although they don’t sound as lush they use far less CPU. Also added Plate reverb and Legacy Reverb.
  • Effect Labels now show the correct Labels for the Effects loaded.
  • Old Succession Pro Presets will load the legacy effects.
  • The Sample Start Sequence option is used for Wavetable Position in Succession WT
  • LFO2 BPM Frequency selection has been improved.
  • Drum option from Sample Manager has been removed, the ‘C’ Constant Pitch button can be used per sequencer instead.
  • Sample Manager now deletes from the back and Delete all only removes actual loaded samples.

There is still the manual to write and some decent demos etc before the official release but I think it’s more or less there now! Let me know if you experience any issues.

Product Page

Continue reading Succession DND Updated to Beta 2

Fixed Chrome Downloading Issues

March 30, 2021, 1:30 pm

People have had issues using the Chrome browser to downloads from the Product downloads page. It was to do with the security certificates on the file servers, Chrome was just dropping the downloads silently. It’s fixed now.

Succession DND Pre-Release available

March 27, 2021, 10:15 pm

The Pre-release of Succession DND is available, I’m hoping enough people will buy it to develop and include a Wavetable version too, possibly within the same instrument but most likely as a secondary instrument.

It uses a single bank of 127 Samples and they can be bulk or individually dropped onto the Sample Manager to load them. It’s possible to create your own unique instrument and save it as an nki for using in projects. You can create as many as you want!

The effects have also been updated to the K6 effects.

Succession DND for Kontakt

HGS VST Collection

March 12, 2021, 6:39 pm

All of the Windows 32-bit VST plugins are now free and most have been compiled into this collection. It’s no longer possible to support them, but they should all work fine and also with j-bridge. I learned so much in the days of developing these instruments and still use many of the ideas in my modern Kontakt instruments.


HGS VST Collection

New Website is Live!

March 10, 2021, 5:16 pm

I’m still working on it for the next few days, so it isn’t quite ready for public consumption but I’m leaving it up so people can access the downloads. Just bear in mind it may not be consistently stable as I continue to make changes.

It’s been a massively frustrating challenge for me over the last year to keep the order history intact and update to the modern age. Hopefully I’ve managed it. I’ve had to completely rewrite the file management code, but it should hopefully be a little better as a result. It now sort by newest Orders and Newest files and uses an Accordion so you are not faced with a huge List of files. Those of you with a lot of products know what I’m talking about!

Your Order history may not be visible, but if you make a new order, even a free product, it should reappear. The downloads are correct however and everything you own is available.

In other changes, I’ve decided to make all of the VST Instruments/Effects free. They are all very old now and I’m unable to support them, so I’d rather they were available than removed from the world.

AirWaves and Movement Updated + Kontakt Sale

January 10, 2020, 12:18 am

AirWaves MainBoth AirWaves and Movement have both been updated to add Kontakt 6 Specific Instruments. They include all of the new 6 Features such as the high quality Modulation, Delay and Reverb Effects as well as implementing Drag and Drop Support for easily using custom Samples. These versions also add an additional formant filter per synth with accompanying XY Sequencers with Talk and Formant Size.

This is a major update to the Instrument which has been redesigned to make it easier and much more logical to use.

To coincide with these updates both products are on sale for $19.99 as well as most other Kontakt Instruments.

Serenity Wavetable Group Buy for Kontakt 6

January 9, 2020, 11:43 pm

Serenity MainKinetic MainThe Serenity Group Buy focuses primarily on the Wavetable support added in Kontakt 6 as well as providing an extensive collection of Wavetables. The Wavetables were made by sampling a Novation Peak, Virus TI as well as various other Synths. Initially 700 Wavetables are included and they are also compatible with any Synth that can load Serum Wavetables. A couple of Midi Instruments as well as a Euclidean Drum Machine are also planned. As with the previous Kontakt Group buys the Instruments are developed as the Group Buy Progresses.

Level 2 has already been achieved and so Serenity and Kinetic Wavetable Synths  with 700 Wavetables are already available.

The Group Buy costs $24.99 to join and will run for approximately 3 months.

More Information

Midi Recorder Released

July 20, 2019, 7:32 pm

Midi RecorderA very simple FREE Instrument for Kontakt that just Records whatever Midi Input it receives and the Recording can be dragged to your DAW or desktop. By selecting OMNI as the Midi input it can record Multi-Channel input and also export as a Single track file or Multiple Tracks.

Product Page

Kosmology updated to v1.492

May 31, 2019, 12:31 pm

Fixed an out of sync problem which only occurred in Cubase 10. No need to update unless you experience out of sync behaviour.

ARP Stream for Kontakt Released

March 29, 2019, 6:45 am

ARP Stream MainARP Stream is a modular style complex Sequencer with an Arpeggiator at it’s core. It features many different ways of manipulating pitch and tempo which can all interact with each other which makes it fascinating to explore. It also has 3 CC Sequencers which can target any CC number and also includes a profile Editor for making your own specific correctly named profiles for hardware etc.

Altogether there are 11 Sequencers. The top 4 target the usual suspects; Trigger, velocity, Note Length and Octave Offset whereas the bottom 4 are where things start to get interesting. The Repeat Sequencer serves 2 purposes, the first is the ability to play sub Gate Sequences. Each Step allows selecting the number of repeats and which Grid will be used if any. Secondly Every other Sequencer has an ‘RP’ Button which when enabled will repeat ‘X’ Repeats before moving forward.

ARP Stream Page

Dark Matter and Succession Pro Updated

March 11, 2019, 6:49 pm

Dark Matter MainDark Matter is updated to v1.1:

  •  Added the ‘Red Matter’ Instrument which uses a standard Pattern based System rather than Snapshots
  • Random Volume Sequencer now disregards the ‘Full V’ setting.
  • Added Copy To All and Remix functions.
  • Added Row options Menu
  • Random Slice now quantized to 1/4 to make them more useful especially for Drums.
  • Added ALT/OPTION Vertical Editing for all Pattern knobs, Sequencer Rows still behave the same as they did previously.

Succession Pro updated to v1.22:

  •  Added Light Indicators for the Mute Triggers

Emergent Properties for Kontakt Released

March 1, 2019, 3:52 pm

Emergent Properties MainEmergent Properties is an Advanced Wave Sequencer which has a main Melodic sequencer plus 2 additional Drum sequencers. The main Sequencer is designed around complex Wave Sequencing using a large collection of  over 1000 Morphing Samples which evolve through different sounds. Each sequencer has it’s own Step length and the Bank, Wave and Slice sequencers add up to determine which Sample will be played. Additionally there are 30 Different Modes selected via the Mode sequencer lane, which can radically change the sound such as LFO Chopping, Reverse, Phasing and Talk type Modulation effects.

There are also 2 Dedicated drum Modules available with dedicated Sequences, each of which have their own Tempo Clock Division. There is a total of 635 Drum Sounds which are divided into 9 Banks. The first 5 are Kits where 1-50 are Bass drums, 51-80 are hi-hats and the remaining 48 are Snares which are followed by Dedicated Bass drum, Snare and Hi-hat Banks.

Emergent Properties

Succession Pro Released

February 8, 2019, 3:43 pm

Succession Pro mainSuccession Pro is an Advanced Sequencer/Drum Machine which uses 4 Sequencers and 4 Synths. Any sequencer can target any or all of the synths making it a very flexible system. It uses 12 Patterns which hold all Sequencing data which are switched either by using the GUI buttons, or a dedicated Octave on your Keyboard (shown in red on the Kontakt Midi Keyboard Display). The idea is that you perform these patterns using this switching to create unique and complex Sequences easily. The Scale Remapper, automatically re-pitches so that Sequences always align with the Scale and can be used Globally or use a different Scale for each pattern.

Each of the 4 Sequencers use a Trigger sequencer which determines when notes are played, anything above zero will trigger and additionally the value used can sequence Velocity, Sample Start or Waveform IDs or any combination. There is also a Pitch sequencer which has it’s own step length and frequency for creating syncopation. It has it’s own internal preset system like all other HGS Kontakt Instruments as well as a sophisticated Randomization system for easily generating Presets even at the global level. Finally there is an FX section which has a Modulator (Chorus, Flanger or Phaser), a Tempo delay and a Reverb with 50 Impulse Responses.

Product Page

Workflow example: